Going green at home: natural cleaning with essential oils

Clean your home without toxic, harmful products.
Going green at home: natural cleaning with essential oils - Aromatics International

Going green at home: natural cleaning with essential oils

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Aromatics International +
The Aromahead Institute

Partners in educating essential oil enthusiasts 

In addition to providing vibrant, high-quality essential oils and aromatherapy products, we believe in helping our customers get the most out of every drop by educating themselves on effective uses, benefits, and safety guidelines. We partner with the Aromahead Institute, an accredited and industry-leading aromatherapy school and certification program, to share educational content with our community. The Aromahead Institute offers evidence-based online courses that make the study and therapeutic use of essential oils accessible to thousands of engaged and active students across the globe.


A clean home is a healthy home.

But the common household cleaning products most of us are familiar with often do the job (getting rid of germs, grime, mildew, and other unhealthy substances) using toxic chemicals that are not only harmful to microbes—they’re also harmful to us, and to the environment.

In this guide, you’ll learn how to replace the harsh cleaning products in your home with affordable, natural, essential oil versions. Natural cleaning products can actually support your family’s health, while working in harmony with the environment! All of the information and recipes in this guide are based on solid research that demonstrates which essential oils are ideal for natural cleaning and why.

Get ready to create your own collection of safe, affordable, and powerful natural cleaners!

Table of Contents


The benefits of cleaning with essential oils

Discover how homemade natural cleaners can support your family’s wellness, respect the environment, and protect your monthly budget.


Why essential oils can help clean your home

Learn about research and studies that have been done on essential oils themselves, and on the natural components which make them so potent. (This research informs all of the recipes and education we share at Aromatics.)


The 10 best essential oils for natural cleaning

An easy reference list of 10 essential oils that make powerful natural cleaning blends, including the oils’ main components, and research citations that demonstrate their effectiveness.


Including hydrosols in your natural cleaning routine

Hydrosols are aromatic waters with therapeutic, purifying properties—but without the safety considerations associated with essential oils. Learn about 5 hydrosols to use alone or in recipes, especially if you’re using natural cleaners around children or animals.


Safety tips for using natural cleaners

Essential oils are highly concentrated. The same properties that make them such potent natural cleaners, mean we should treat them with respect. This chapter includes a list of safety considerations to follow for responsible blending.


Supplies and ingredients for natural cleaning

Everything you’ll need to make your own essential oil cleaning blends! You likely already have many of the supplies in your kitchen, such as baking soda, alcohol, and vinegar.


Create natural cleaning products using DIY recipes

Let’s start blending! Create your own complete collection of household cleaners with recipes for surface cleaners, air fresheners, bathroom cleaners, linen and fabric fresheners, and hand soap!


Next steps

More recipes and resources for making your own products and eliminating toxic chemicals from your life. Keep in touch to get your questions answered as you learn more about using essential oils.

Going green at home: natural cleaning with essential oils

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