Balm of Gilead Salve
Boost the body's natural healing process with this skin nourishing salve.

Ingredients & Supplies
Safety Information
- Safety & Dilution: No safety concerns.
- Kid Safety: This blend is safe for kids of any age.
- Shelf Life: The ingredient with the shortest shelf life remaining becomes the shelf life of the entire blend.
- 1. Melt .25 ounces (7 g) of beeswax using a double boiler.
- 2. When almost melted, add 1.5 fl oz of balm of gilead infused oil.
- 3. When melted, remove from heat and add essential oils if desired.
- 4. Pour into small .5 oz size PET jars to keep handy for small emergencies.
Safety Information
- Safety & Dilution: No safety concerns.
- Kid Safety: This blend is safe for kids of any age.
- Shelf Life: The ingredient with the shortest shelf life remaining becomes the shelf life of the entire blend.
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